Jasmine Riviera Bova Marina
Jasmine riviera is situated in the south of Calabria, in the province of Reggio di Calabria, it includes the coast between the towns of Melito Porto Salvo and Brancaleone. Bova Matina is located in this zone, too, 42 Km far from Reggio di Calabria, with the Aspromonte mountains back and Ionic sea in front.
Bova Marina is situated in south of 38° parallel. The flora is tipical for the subtropical region with beautiful plants and trees as Agave, Opuntia Indica ("Fico d'India"), and cactus of several kinds. The annual average temperature is 18°C, the summer is hot and dry, the winter is mild and rainy.
In Bova Marina there are still present the Greek culture and customs, coming from the Ancient Greece. The most important archaeological finds are from the IV and V century: the synagogue, that is the second oldest in Italy, after the one of Ostia Antica (Rome); the ruin of two Byzantine churches. In addition, this part of Italy was under the influence of different cultures as Spanish, Turkish, and Arabian one.
Since 29th march 1908 Bova Marina has been being an independent town.