Itineraries in Calabria and Sicily.
Area Grecanica - The Area grecanica is represented by different villages inside the Aspromonte Mountains. As a cultural capital of this area is considered Bova, the other characteristic villages are: Roghudi, Roccaforte del Greco, Pentidattilo.
La Locride - Locri is a town of historical interest. There is an archeological park and also the Museum "Antiquarium" full of works from the Ancient Greece. Gerace is another beautiful center with many historical monuments, among which the most important is the cathedral of XI century.
Reggio di Calabria and Scilla - Reggio C. is the capital of province. The Archeological Museum"Museo della Magna Grecia" is wonderful. Inside there is possible to admire among several works, two magnificent bronze statues "I bronzi di Riace". The Dome is another interesting place. To conclude, don't forget to walk along the seaside adorned with different exotic trees. Scilla, the part of continental Italy nearest to Sicily, it is possible to visit the castle, the nice and characteristic borough of fishermen "Chianalea" with narrow streets and the houses that touch the sea. It is fabulous to watch the panorama, during the sunset, between Calabria and Sicily.
Taormina - is a pretty and historical town, full of monuments from different periods. The most important peace is the Greek amphitheater. It is delightful to walk around the narrow streets in the center or in the wonderful park full of different typical plants and trees.
Messina - is the gate of Sicily. It is a new city because it was destroyed by the earthquake in 1908. The city lodges the Dome with the famous astrological clock and the Orione fountain, the Belvedere in wich there is the Cristo Re's Church, the seaside, the San Martino's street., and the singular Aragonese Church.
Eolie islands - The most suggestive, for its natural beauty, are Lipari, Stromboli, but especially Vulcano where it is possible to have a bath in the sulfur pool. The vulcanos in Stromboli and Vulcano are still active.
Etna - It is the volcano par Excellence, it is high more than 3000 m. It is possible to make individual excursions (walking) or by a minibus to the top of the volcano near the main crater. The cost for minibus for person is about 40 EUR.
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